IBM SC34-6814-04 User Manual
Page 569
X'F4' represents an install request for an APPC single-session
connection via a BIND.
Note: The values X'F0' and X'F1' represent, respectively, install and
delete requests for terminals (including APPC single-session
devices). See Chapter 10, “Writing a program to control
autoinstall of terminals,” on page 515.
A 2-byte component code, which is set to ‘ZC’.
A fullword pointer to a 2-byte length field, followed by the NETNAME to be
installed (input field).
For connections to CICS TORs where the partner is a generic resource,
NETNAME can be the partner’s generic resource name, or its member name,
depending on the setting of APPC_GR_TYPE. (For introductory information
about generic resources, see Installation considerations for VTAM generic
resources, in the CICS Intercommunication Guide.)
A fullword pointer to an input field containing the incoming CINIT, if the incoming
session is a secondary.
Note: Not applicable to CICS Transaction Server for z/OS, Version 3 Release
A fullword pointer to a 2-byte length field, followed by an input field containing
the incoming BIND.
A fullword pointer to the return fields. These are in the same format as those for
autoinstall of terminals.
Note that for APPC autoinstall (functions X'F3' and X'F4') only the return code is
used. You return other information for APPC in other fields defined in the
communications area.
A fullword pointer to a 2-byte input field specifying the syncpoint level for the
connection, which is extracted from the BIND. The possible values are:
Synclevel 0
Synclevel 1
Synclevel 2.
A fullword pointer to an 8-byte input/output area (TEMPLATE_NETNAME). On
invocation, TEMPLATE_NETNAME normally contains blanks. However, if both
the partner and the local CICS are registered as generic resources, it contains
the NETNAME of the generic resource name connection, if one is present.
(Generic resource name connections are described in Defining connections in a
generic resource environment, in the CICS Intercommunication Guide.)
Chapter 12. Writing a program to control autoinstall of APPC connections