Example program, Sample programs for specific exits, The basic mapping support sample exit program – IBM SC34-6814-04 User Manual

Page 40: The data tables sample exit programs

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Example program

As well as the sample programs supplied in source code, there is an example
listing, DFH$XTSE, that shows you how to:


Use EXEC CICS commands in a global user exit program


Use EXEC CICS commands and XPI calls in the same exit program


Modify the command parameter list in EXEC interface exits such as XTSEREQ

DFH$XTSE is listed on page Appendix F, “The example program for the XTSEREQ
global user exit, DFH$XTSE,” on page 877.

Sample programs for specific exits

Certain user exit points have sample programs that demonstrate how you can use
the exit point in your global user exit programs.

The Application Associated Data sample exit program

CICS supplies a sample global user exit program for the Application Associated
Data exit:


A sample global user exit program, designed to be invoked at the
XAPADMGR exit. The program shows how you can add user information to
a transaction's Associated Data Origin Descriptor, or retrieve existing
information found in the association data, for purposes such as auditing or
accounting of workloads.

Related reference

“Application Associated Data exit, XAPADMGR, in the AP domain” on page 33
Use the XAPADMGR exit for distributed transactions. It allows you to add user
information to a task's Associated Data Origin Descriptor, at the point of origin of the
distributed transaction. This information could later be used as, for example, search
keys for processing carried out through CICSPlex SM.

The Basic Mapping Support sample exit program

CICS supplies a sample global user exit program for the Basic Mapping support


A sample global user exit program, designed to be invoked at the XBMIN
and XBMOUT exits. The program shows how you can use the exits to
modify mapped input and output data.

Related concepts

“Basic Mapping Support exits XBMIN and XBMOUT” on page 34

The data tables sample exit programs

CICS supplies one sample global user exit program for each of the data tables exit
points. These are:


A sample global user exit program, designed to be invoked at the XDTAD


A sample global user exit program, designed to be invoked at the XDTLC


Customization Guide