Exit xictenf, Xicereqc, The xiceres global user exit – IBM SC34-6814-04 User Manual

Page 167

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When invoked

Exit XICTENF is also invoked from the interval control program. However,
this exit relates to the ‘terminal not known’ condition and so is considered in
detail in “‘Terminal not known’ condition exits XALTENF and XICTENF” on
page 224.

Interval control EXEC interface program exits XICEREQ, XICERES, and


XICEREQ is invoked on entry to the interval control program before CICS
processes an interval control request. Using XICEREQ, you can:


Analyze the request to determine its type, the keywords specified, and their


Modify any value specified by the request before the command is executed.


Set return codes to specify that either:

– CICS should continue with the request, modified or unmodified.

– CICS should bypass the request. (Note that if you set this return code,

you must also set up return codes for the EXEC interface block (EIB), as
if you had processed the request yourself.)

Note: The XICEREQ exit is invoked by internal requests made by CICS code,

as well as by requests made by applications.


XICERES is invoked by the interval control program, before CICS processes a
non-terminal-related EXEC CICS START request that has been dynamically
routed to this region.

Note that XICERES is invoked:


After exit XICEREQ and before XICEREQC (if these exits are enabled). This
means that:

– If an XICEREQ exit program chooses to bypass the request, XICERES is

not invoked, even if it is enabled.

– If an XICEREQ exit program modifies the request, XICERES must deal

with the modified request.


On the target region—that is, the region to which the START request has
been routed.


Only if the routing region—the region on which the routing program
runs—supports the “resource unavailable” condition (RESUNAVAIL). To
support the “resource unavailable” condition, the routing region must be a
supported release of CICS TS.


Only if it is enabled. It is strongly recommended that you enable this exit only
in application-owning regions to which non-terminal-related EXEC CICS
START requests may be dynamically routed.


By internal requests made by CICS code, as well as by requests made by

The XICERES exit is not invoked:


For statically-routed requests.


For terminal-related EXEC CICS START requests. (These always execute in
the terminal-owning region and cannot be routed.)

Chapter 1. Global user exit programs