IBM SC34-6814-04 User Manual
Page 140

VSAM file
BDAM file
Data table file
User data table file
Coupling facility data table
One byte indicating the recovery attributes of the data set
associated with this file. The possible values are:
Forward recovery specified
Logging specified
Flag indicating that recovery attributes are valid.
A 1-byte field containing the forward recovery log identifier
in the range 1—99, taken from the recovery attributes in the
CICS file resource definition. This number corresponds to a
CICS internal journal name of the form DFHJnn, where nn
is the forward recovery log number. CICS maps this journal
name to a forward recovery log stream.
The field is set to zero if forward recovery logging is not
specified for the file, or if the forward recovery log stream
name has been obtained from the ICF catalog.
A 26-byte field containing the name of the forward recovery
log stream taken from the ICF catalog, to be used for
forward recovery. Set to blanks if not specified in the ICF
catalog or if forward recovery is not being used for the file.
A date (YYYYDDD+) in packed decimal format. This field is
set only when the file is the last file to close against the
VSAM sphere with which it is associated. It contains the
date when activity against the VSAM sphere was brought to
an end (quiesced).
A time (HHMMSST+) in packed decimal format. This field is
set only when the file is the last file to close against the
VSAM sphere with which it is associated. It contains the
time when activity against the VSAM sphere was brought to
an end.
A flag-byte indicating the availability of this data set. If set,
the value is:
Customization Guide