IBM SC34-6814-04 User Manual

Page 394

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Not applicable. The program is remote.


The program is to be loaded from the DFHRPL or dynamic LIBRARY
concatenation.. A PRIVATE program need not be reentrant, and is given
only limited protection against unauthorized overwriting. The degree of
protection depends on the type of dynamic storage area into which the
program is loaded (see the description of the PROGRAM_TYPE option
of the DEFINE_PROGRAM call).


The program is to be loaded from the link pack area (LPA). SHARED
programs must be reentrant, and are protected.

The next time a NEWCOPY or PHASEIN is received, an LPA copy of
the program is used if it is available. If no LPA version is available, the
program is loaded from DFHRPL or dynamic LIBRARY concatenation.


Either the copy in DFHRPL or a dynamic LIBRARY concatenation, or
the LPA copy of the program can be used, though preference is given
to the LPA copy.


returns a value indicating whether the program is used as a CICS nucleus
program or as a user application program.


returns the number of different users that have invoked the program.


returns the current number of users of the program.


returns a value indicating whether this program is a local or a remote resource.
If it is a remote resource, CICS treats requests to link to the program as
distributed program link (DPL) requests, and ships them to the remote region.


returns the name by which the program is known in the remote CICS region, if
the program is a remote resource. If REMOTESYSTEM was specified on the
PROGRAM definition, and REMOTENAME omitted, the remote name will be
the same as the local name (that is, REMOTE_PROGID will default to the value


returns the name of the remote CICS region that owns the program, if the
program is a remote resource.


returns the name of the transaction that the remote CICS attaches, and under
which it runs the program, if the program is a remote resource.


returns the addressing mode specified on a DEFINE_PROGRAM call.


returns the residency mode (that is, whether the program should be loaded
above or below the 16MB line) specified on a DEFINE_PROGRAM call.


Customization Guide