IBM SC33-1683-02 User Manual

Page 705

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How the string of field connectors is constructed: When CICS is initialized, a
unique connector value is assigned to every dictionary entry. CICS then examines
the MCT entries for this run to see if you have excluded any system-defined
performance data. If you have, the offset values for their corresponding dictionary
entries are set to X'FFFF'. CICS then constructs a sequence of field connectors that
excludes those with offsets of X'FFFF'. In this way, the connectors tell you which
system- and user-data fields are going to occur in your performance records for this
run. If you have not excluded any system-defined performance data, there is one
field connector for every dictionary entry.

Please note the following:

Field connectors

link the fields in a performance record with their dictionary entries. They are
unique values that are assigned at initialization time. They may, therefore,
change from one run of CICS to the next.

Field identifiers

allow you to exclude specific system-defined performance data from being
collected during a CICS run. They are unique within a group name and
record type, and they do not change between CICS runs. There is more
information about field identifiers in the

CICS Resource Definition Guide.

Field offsets

in the performance record allow you to build a table for fast selection of
required fields in your monitoring data processing programs.

Dictionary Record

Dictionary Dictionary Dictionary Dictionary


Entry 1

Entry 2

Entry 3

Entry 4

Entry n








Data for

Data for

Data for

Data for

Record 1

field 1

field 2

field 4

field n


Data for

Data for

Data for

Data for

Record 2

field 1

field 2

field 4

field n


Data for

Data for

Data for

Data for

Record 3






Data for

Data for

Data for

Data for

Record 4

field 1

field 2

field 4

field n

Figure 90. Relationship between the dictionary record and the performance records. In this
example, the data that is defined by Dictionary Entry 3 has been excluded, so there is no
field connector value for it and it does not appear in the performance records.

monitoring record formats

Chapter 24. CICS monitoring