Preliminary considerations – IBM SC33-1683-02 User Manual
Page 517

Chapter 10. Writing a program to control autoinstall of
Considerations common to all user-replaceable programs
Note that the comments contained in “Chapter 5. General notes about
user-replaceable programs” on page 401 apply to this chapter.
This chapter describes how to write a program to control the automatic installation
of locally-attached VTAM terminals (including APPC single-session devices). For
information about controlling the automatic installation of local APPC connections
that are initiated by BIND requests, see “Chapter 12. Writing a program to control
autoinstall of APPC connections” on page 513. For information about controlling the
installation of shipped terminals and connections, see “Chapter 13. Writing a
program to control autoinstall of shipped terminals” on page 523. For information
about controlling the installation of virtual terminals used by the CICS Client
products, see “Chapter 14. Writing a program to control autoinstall of Client virtual
terminals” on page 531.
The chapter is divided into the following sections:
1. “Preliminary considerations”.
2. “The autoinstall control program at INSTALL” on page 487. This contains:
“The communication area at INSTALL for terminals” on page 488
“How CICS builds the list of autoinstall models” on page 490
“Returning information to CICS” on page 491
“CICS action on return from the control program” on page 494.
3. “The autoinstall control program at DELETE” on page 495.
4. “Naming, testing, and debugging your autoinstall control program” on
page 496.
5. “The sample programs and copy books” on page 497.
Preliminary considerations
You use the DEFINE TERMINAL(..) and DEFINE TYPETERM(..) commands to
define VTAM devices to CICS. These commands define the resource definitions in
the CICS system definition file (CSD). Your definitions can specify that they can be
used as models for autoinstall purposes. Defining and installing model resource
definitions for terminal control enables CICS to create required entries in the
terminal control table (TCT) automatically, whenever unknown devices request
connection to CICS. A particular advantage of automatic installation (autoinstall) is
that the resource occupies storage in the TCT only while it is connected to CICS
and for a specified delay period after last use.
You use the autoinstall control program to select some of the data needed to
automatically install your terminals—notably the CICS terminal name and the model
name to be used in each instance. You can use the CICS-supplied autoinstall
program, or extend it to suit your own purposes.
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