Format of journal records written to smf, Journaling, Figure 81. layout of a cics log written to mvs smf – IBM SC33-1683-02 User Manual
Page 685

Identifying records for the start of tasks and UOWs
You can identify records written to mark the start of tasks by examining the value of
the system prefix field JCSPF1. If the JCSPSOTK bit is set, the record has been
written at the start of the task.
If the JCSPLSTK bit is set in field JCSPF1, then the record has been written at the
start of the UOW.
Format of journal records written to SMF
This section describes the format of journaling records that are written to an SMF
data set. You need this information if you write your own program to analyze the
data. The three components of the journaling record are an SMF block header, a
CICS product section, and a CICS data section. The layout of an MVS SMF log,
showing log blocks and CICS sections, is in Figure 81.
Journal records written to SMF can be read offline by user-written programs. Such
programs can map journal records by including an INCLUDE DFHLGMSD
statement. This generates the assembler version of the DSECT.
P r o d u c t
s e c t i o n
s e c t i o n
B l o c k
h e a d e r
R e c o r d
h e a d e r
C a l l e r
d at a
L o g b l o c k
L o g b l o c k
L o g b l o c k
L o g b l o c k
Figure 81. Layout of a CICS log written to MVS SMF
Chapter 23. CICS logging and journaling