IBM SC33-1683-02 User Manual

Page 321

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the name of a field in which you want the RESPONSE value to be placed.
You need not code the RESPONSE option if you are using the macro
without CALL to build a parameter list.

The response from any XPI call is always one of ‘OK’, ‘EXCEPTION’,
standardized names (EQU symbols) for the response code values provided
by CICS:

xxyy_OK, xxyy_EXCEPTION, xxyy_DISASTER, xxyy_INVALID,

xxyy_KERNERROR, and xxyy_PURGED,

where “xxyy” is a prefix derived from the four letters of the relevant
macro-name following the string ‘DFH’. Thus for DFHSMMCX the prefix is
SMMC; for DFHLDLDX the prefix is LDLD. Equate values with these names
are generated when you include the copy book DFHxxyyY for the macro
DFHxxyyX. You cannot assume that the arithmetic values of corresponding
RESPONSE codes are the same for all macro calls. The meanings of the
RESPONSE codes are as follows:


The XPI request was completed successfully.


The function was not completed successfully for a reason which
could be expected to happen, and which may be coded for by a
program (for example, TRANSACTION_DUMP, EXCEPTION =
provide more information.


The request has failed completely. You cannot recover from this
failure within the user exit program. When this failure occurs, CICS
takes a system dump, issues an error message, and sets a
‘DISASTER’ response. On receiving this, your user exit program
should exit without attempting any further processing. The REASON
value for this response, shown only in the trace, may provide more
information. There is no REASON value returned to the calling


You have omitted a mandatory value, or you have supplied an
invalid value for an option. You cannot recover from this failure
within the user exit program. When this failure occurs, CICS takes a
system dump, issues an error message, and sets an ‘INVALID’
response. On receiving this response, your user exit program
should return to the caller without attempting any further
processing. The REASON value for this response, shown only in
the trace, may provide more information. This may help you to
correct any error in your exit program. There is no REASON value
returned to the calling program.


The kernel has detected an error with the CICS function you are
trying to invoke. Either the function you have requested is
unavailable or not valid, or there is an error within CICS.


The task has been purged, or an interval specified on your XPI call
has expired. Examine the REASON code.

form of an XPI call

Chapter 3. The user exit programming interface (XPI)