The node error program in an xrf environment – IBM SC33-1683-02 User Manual
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Handling shutdown hung terminals in the node error program
Error Code:
Symbolic Name:
Message Number:
For error code X'6F', DFHZNAC passes the setting of TCSACTN and the
DFHZC2351 reason code to DFHZNEP, and DFHZNEP can modify the force-close
action for the current terminal.
How DFHZNAC passes the setting of TCSACTN to DFHZNEP
For error code X'6F', DFHZNAC passes the setting of the TCSACTN system
initialization parameter to DFHZNEP by setting TWAOSCN. TWAOSCN off (B'0')
indicates TCSACTN=NONE, and TWAOSCN on (B'1') indicates
How DFHZNAC passes the DFHZC2351 reason code to DFHZNEP
For error code X'6F', the DFHZC2351 reason code is passed to DFHZNEP in the
NEP communications area (NEPCA) field TWATRSN. TWATRSN is a 1-byte code
field. Note that, currently, TWATRSN overlays TWAREASN (also a 1-byte field). The
codes, and their meaning, are:
01 Request in progress
06 Waiting for RTR
02 Task still active
07 BID in progress
03 Waiting for SHUTC
08 Other TC work pending
04 Waiting for BIS
99 (X'63') Undetermined
05 Waiting for UNBIND
See Terminal Control message DFHZC2351 for further details.
How DFHZNEP can modify the force-close action for the current
For error code X'6F', DFHZNEP can modify the force-close action, for the current
terminal, by setting TWAOSCN. If DFHZNEP sets TWAOSCN off (B'0'), DFHZNAC
will not attempt to force-close the terminal (TCSACTN=NONE), however, if
DFHZNEP sets TWAOSCN on (B'1'), DFHZNAC will attempt to force-close the
terminal (TCSACTN=UNBIND). Internally, DFHZNAC achieves this by converting
the TWAOSCN normal close to a TWAOCN forced close. DFHZNEP cannot modify
either of the system initialization parameters TCSWAIT or TCSACTN.
Using the node error program with XRF or persistent sessions
This section contains guidance information about the NEP in an XRF or persistent
sessions environment for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3.
The node error program in an XRF environment
The CICS extended recovery facility (XRF) is described in the
Guide. If you are using XRF, a VTAM failure in your active CICS system may cause
a takeover by the alternate CICS system. Each terminal from the failing system that
is switched to the alternate system is passed to DFHZNAC for “conversation-restart”
processing. This is similar to “session opened” processing for a normal session
user-written node error programs
CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Customization Guide