IBM SC33-1683-02 User Manual
Page 541

If you want an INSTALL request to proceed, perform these steps in your autoinstall
control program:
Return an autoinstall model name in the first 8 bytes of the area addressed by
fullword 4 of the parameter list.
Supply a CICS terminal name (TERMID) in the next four bytes of the return area.
DFHZATDX and DFHZATDY take the last four non-blank characters of the
console name (addressed by fullword 2 of the parameter list) as the terminal
name. If this does not meet with your installation’s naming conventions, code
your own autoinstall program.
Set the return code to X’00’. On entry to the autoinstall control program, the
return code always has a nonzero value. If you do not change this, the autoinstall
request is rejected.
Set the delete delay period, or leave it set to the default value of 60 minutes.
Note that these are the only attributes of the TERMINAL definition that can be set
by the autoinstall control program; all other attributes must come from one of the
following sources:
The MVS console interface block (CIB)
The autoinstall model TERMINAL definition
The TYPETERM definition to which it refers.
If your control program decides to reject the INSTALL request, it should return to
CICS with a non-zero value in the return code. Having completed processing, the
control program must return to CICS by issuing an EXEC CICS RETURN
Selecting the autoinstall model
All the models in the list passed to your program are for consoles. That is to say, a
viable TCT entry usually results from the use of any one of them. The default
autoinstall control program simply picks the first model in the list. However, this
model may not provide the attributes required in all cases. Your control program
must be able to select the model that provides the characteristics you require for
the console—for example, one that has the required security characteristics.
Setting the TERMINAL name
The TERMINAL name must be unique, and be one- through four-characters long.
The TERMINAL name is the identifier CICS uses for the console. The CONSNAME
value is the identifier MVS uses for the console.
If the control program attempts to install a TCT entry for a TERMINAL name that
already has a TCT entry, the installation is rejected, even if the terminal is eligible
and a suitable model has been found. On the other hand, if a MODIFY command is
received from an MVS console for which CICS already has an entry in the TCT with
a matching CONSNAME, CICS uses that entry and does not invoke your autoinstall
control program.
The default autoinstall control program creates the TERMINAL name from the last
four non-blank characters of the CONSNAME. This may not satisfy the requirement
for uniqueness. One way of overcoming this problem is to use the EXEC CICS
INQUIRE command from the control program, to determine whether the TERMINAL
name is already in use. If it is, modify the last character and check again.
the autoinstall control program for consoles
Chapter 11. Writing a program to control autoinstall of consoles