Xfcldel, Order of invocation, Exit xfcbfail, file control backout failure exit – IBM SC33-1683-02 User Manual
Page 144

File control recovery program exits XFCBFAIL, XFCBOUT, XFCBOVER,
CICS provides four global user exits that you can use in connection with file control
recovery operations. These are:
Invoked when an error occurs during backout.
Invoked when CICS is about to back out a file update.
Invoked when CICS is about to skip unit-of-work (UOW) backout because a
batch program has overridden RLS retained lock protection and opened a
data set for batch processing.
Invoked when backing out a write to a BDAM or a VSAM ESDS data set.
Order of invocation
Each of the exits in the file control recovery program may or may not be invoked
during an attempt to backout a file update. If the backout fails, each may (or may
not) be reinvoked when the backout is retried. If an exit program needs to know
whether it is being invoked during the original backout attempt, or during a retry, it
can check the value of the RE_ATTACHED_TRANSACTION field returned by an
The way in which the exits interact, and the order in which they are invoked, is
shown in the following list. Assuming that all the exits are enabled, for each backout
attempt or retried backout attempt:
1. If an open during backout fails, XFCBFAIL is invoked. None of the other exits
is invoked.
2. If the SHCDS PERMITNONRLSUPDATE command has been issued for the
data set being backed out, XFCBOVER is invoked. If it returns UERCNORM
(do not perform the backout), no further exits are invoked.
3. Unless item 1 applies, or XFCBOVER has been invoked and returned
4. Backout issues a read update request for the record being backed out.
If the read update fails, XFCBFAIL is invoked, followed by no further exits.
5. If the update to be backed out was a write to a data set which does not support
physical deletes (that is, a BDAM data set or a VSAM ESDS), XFCLDEL is
6. If a failure occurs after this point, XFCBFAIL is invoked.
Exit XFCBFAIL, file control backout failure exit
XFCBFAIL is invoked whenever there is a failure during backout of an update made
to a file record.
If, within a given UOW, there are backout failures for more than one record in the
same file, or for records in multiple files, the exit is invoked:
For the first record in each data set for which backout fails.
file control recovery program exits
CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Customization Guide