IBM SC33-1683-02 User Manual

Page 273

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The exit program returned control to CICS on the previous
invocation with return code 8.


The exit program returned control to CICS on the previous
invocation with return code 12.


A 1-byte padding field.


Address of the 10-byte function shipping parameter list.


Address of the 158-byte system entry statistics record (this can be
mapped using DSECT DFHA14DS).


Address of the 84-byte modegroup statistics record for the
modegroup specified in the relevant CICS profile. This field applies
only to APPC connections for a specific allocate. For LU61, IRC, or
non-specific APPC allocates, it contains zero.

The statistics record can be mapped using DSECT DFHA20DS.
The modegroup name field (A20MODE) may contain blanks. The
record is followed by a fullword of X'FFFFFFFF'.


A 6-byte area containing additional current statistics for APPC that
are not already in the modegroup statistics record (DFHA20DS).
For specific allocates, the numbers refer to the specified
modegroup only. For non-specific allocates, they refer to the whole
connection—that is, they are the totals of each modegroup.

The 6-byte area contains:


A halfword binary field containing the number of bound


A halfword binary field containing the number of contention
winners with tasks


A halfword binary field containing the number of contention
losers with tasks.


A halfword binary field containing the maximum queuing time
specified for the connection (MAXQTIME on the CONNECTION
resource definition).


Address of a set of 84-byte modegroup statistics records—one for
each user modegroup for the connection. This field applies only to
APPC connections for a non-specific allocate. For LU61, IRC, and
APPC specific allocates, it contains zero.

Each statistics record can be mapped using DSECT DFHA20DS.
The modegroup name field (A20MODE) may contain blanks. The
end of the set of records is indicated by a fullword of X'FFFFFFFF'.

VTAM working-set module exits

Chapter 1. Global user exit programs