Intel AXXSW1GB User Manual
Page 138

Intel® Gigabit Ethernet Switch AXXSW1GB User Guide
2. Click .
Figure 91. Add QoS Policy Profile Page
In addition to the fields in the Policy Table Page, the Add QoS Class Map Page contains
the following fields:
Class Map
— Selects a class map for the policy.
Action — Indicates the action performed on incoming packets matching the policy
profile. The possible field values are:
— Trust — Applies the selected Trust settings. If an incoming packet contain both
CoS and DSCP, the DSCP value takes precedence.
— Set — Redefines the DSCP, Queue, CoS settings for incoming traffic.
— New Value — Assigns the new value to the selected DSCP, Queue or CoS
Police — Policer type for the class. Possible values are:
— Aggregate — Configures the class to use a configured aggregate policer selected
from the drop-down menu. An aggregate policer is defined if the policer is
shared with multiple classes. Traffic from two different ports can be configured
for policing purposes. An aggregate policer can be applied to multiple classes in
the same policy map, but cannot be used across different policy maps.
— Single — Configures the class to use manually configured information rates and
exceed actions.
Aggregate Policer — User-defined aggregate policers.
Ingress Committed Information Rate (CIR) — CIR in kilobits per second. This
field is only relevant when the Police value is Single.