Configuring qos mapping – Intel AXXSW1GB User Manual
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Intel® Gigabit Ethernet Switch AXXSW1GB User Guide
Configuring QoS Mapping
This section contains information for mapping CoS values to queues. The CoS to Queue
Page contains fields for mapping CoS values to traffic queues.
To map CoS values to queues:
1. Click QoS > General > CoS to Queue. The CoS to Queue Page opens.
Figure 80. CoS to Queue Page
The CoS to Queue Page contains the following fields:
Restore Defaults — Restores the device factory defaults for mapping CoS values to a
forwarding queue.
Class of Service — Specifies the CoS values, where zero is the lowest and 7 is the
Queue — Defines the traffic forwarding queue to which the CoS priority is mapped.
Eight traffic priority queues are supported.
2. Define the queue number in the Queue field next to the required CoS value.
3. Click
. The CoS value is mapped to a queue, and the device is updated.