Mb printer mem, System memory, Hard disk management – IBM 19 User Manual

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but are not being used. However, the hard disks remain unavailable
until this client’s size is increased.

The recommended amount of memory for the disk cache client is
as follows:

120 KB minimum

0.5 KB per MB of disk storage total for all disks

MB Printer Mem

This memory client shows the number of megabytes of RAM
available to be split among the memory clients when disk swapping
is turned off.

System Memory

Listed as System Use on the status page, this non-configurable
client is the amount of RAM that is used to run the printer’s
operating system. It is never increased or decreased. The system
memory subtracted from the total amount of RAM identifies the
amount of RAM available for all the other memory clients.

Hard Disk Management

In addition to your printer’s internal hard disk, you can connect up
to six external hard disks to your printer via the SCSI port. These
hard disks serve as secondary storage places for such items as
downloaded fonts, emulations, and spooled data. Once you have a
hard disk installed on your printer, it has virtual memory
capabilities for spooling overflow, which is an extension of the
spool memory client.

Appendix D

A d d i t i o n a l T e c h n i c a l I n f o r m a t i o n

D - 9

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