IBM 19 User Manual

Page 345

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Is the printer properly connected via LocalTalk-type cable
and transformer boxes? (See chapter 3, “Connecting the
Printer,” for information.)

Is LaserWriter (and Laser Prep, if you are using
LaserWriter 6.0.x or later) installed in your System Folder?

In the Chooser, have you selected the LaserWriter icon and
highlighted the correct printer?

Is AppleTalk active in the Chooser dialog box?

Are the screen fonts installed?

Is your application compatible with color PostScript Level
2? (Check the application manual. If your application
supports color PostScript Level 1 but not Level 2, try
setting the printer to Level 1 in the Administration/
Emulations/PostScript/Emulation Level menu.)

Chapter 9

T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g

9 - 2 3

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