Other documentation – IBM 19 User Manual
Page 21

HP PCL 5 Emulation Technical Reference
This document covers the HP PCL 5 emulation. In most
ca se s, only a dvanced PCL 5 users and syst em
administrators need this information.
QMS Crown Technical Reference
This document provides advanced technical information,
including information on communication protocols,
HP-GL emulation, HP PCL emulation, CCITT, and
PostScript emulation. In most cases, only advanced users
and system administrators need this information. This
manual is contained on a disk. The README file on the
disk explains how to access the manual.
Other Documentation
Other sources of information you may find helpful are
HP PCL 5C Technical Support Notes
These notes cover the HP PCL 5C color commands. They
are available free through CompuServe, the QMS bulletin
board, and Q-FAX. Appendix A, “QMS Customer
Support,” of this document explains how to use these
Printer Option Documentation
If you purchased a printer option (for example, a direct
network interface card), you may have received separate
documentation for it. Check chapter 8, “Printer Options,”
of this manual for additional option information.
Electronic Information
CompuServe, the Internet, our bulletin board, and Q-FAX
are all sources of information from QMS. Appendix A,
Chapter 1
I n t r o d u c t i o n
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