Qms national service – IBM 19 User Manual

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633-3716. Please indicate whether you would like a faxed or
a phoned reply.

If you call for assistance, have the following information
ready so our technicians can help you more quickly:

Your phone number, fax number, and shipping address

A description of the problem

The printer model and serial number

The type of host computer you are using

The type and version of operating system you are using

The interface you are using, and, if serial, the protocol

The application and version you are using

The printer language you are using

Your printer firmware version (listed on the status and
start-up pages)

If after consultation with CTA, you need to return the unit for
repairs or warranty work, please be sure to get an RMA (Return
Merchandise Authorization) number, since QMS cannot accept
warranty work without this number. CTA can connect you with
Customer Service to get this number.

QMS National Service

For information on service and maintenance of QMS and other
manufacturers’ printers, call (800) 762-8894. For information
about on-site service and depot repair, call (800) 858-1597. For
information on spare parts, call (334) 633-4300 ext. 2530.

Appendix A

Q M S C u s t o m e r S u p p o r t

A - 3

EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500