IBM 990 User Manual
Page 59

Chapter 2. System structure and design
PU sparing
In the rare case of a PU failure, the failed PU’s characterization is dynamically and
transparently reassigned to a spare PU. More information on PU sparing is provided in
“Sparing rules” on page 52.
A minimum of one PU per z990 server must be ordered as one of the following:
A Central Processor (CP)
An Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL)
An Internal Coupling Facility (ICF)
The number of CPs, IFLs, ICFs, zAAPs, or SAPs assigned to particular models depends on
the configuration. The z990 12-PU MCMs have two SAPs as standard. The standard number
of SAPs in a model A08 is two; there are four in a B16, six in a C24, and eight in a D32.
Optional additional SAPs may be purchased, up to two per book.
The z990 12-PU MCMs have two spares PUs as standard. The standard number of spares in
a model A08 is two; there are four in a B16, six in a C24, and eight in a D32. The number of
additional spare PUs is dependent on the number of books in the configuration and how many
PUs are non-characterized.
Central Processors
A Central Processor is a PU that has the z/Architecture and ESA/390 instruction sets. It can
run z/Architecture, ESA/390, Linux, and TPF operating systems, and the Coupling Facility
Control Code (CFCC).
The z990 can only be used in LPAR mode. In LPAR mode, CPs can be defined as dedicated
or shared to a logical partition. Reserved CPs can be defined to a logical partition, to allow for
upgrades. The z990 can have up to 32 CPs.
All CPs within a z990 configuration are grouped into a CP pool. Any z/Architecture, ESA/390,
Linux, and TPF operating systems, and CFCC can run on CPs that are assigned from the CP
Within the limit of all non-characterized PUs available in the installed configuration, CPs can
be concurrently assigned to an existing configuration via Capacity Upgrade on Demand
(CUoD), Customer Initiated Upgrade (CIU), On/Off Capacity on Demand (On/Off CoD), or
Capacity BackUp (CBU). More information about all forms of concurrent CP adds are found in
Chapter 8, “Capacity upgrades” on page 187.
If the MCMs in the installed books have no available PUs left, the assignment of the next CP
may result in the need for a model upgrade and the installation of an additional book. Book
installation is a non-disruptive action, but will take more time than a simple Licensed Internal
Code upgrade. Only if reserved processors have been defined to a logical partition—and
when the operating system supports the function—can additional CP capacity be allocated to
the logical partition dynamically.
Integrated Facilities for Linux
An Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL) is a PU that can be used to run Linux on zSeries, Linux
for S/390, or Linux guests on z/VM operating systems. Up to 32 PUs may be characterized as
IFLs, depending on the z990 model. IFL processors can be dedicated to a Linux or a z/VM
logical partition, or be shared by multiple Linux guests and/or z/VM logical partitions running
on the same z990 server. Only z/VM, Linux on zSeries, and Linux for S/390 operating
systems can run on IFL processors.