Preface, The team that wrote this redbook – IBM 990 User Manual

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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004. All rights reserved.





® zSeries® 990 scalable server provides major extensions to the existing

zSeries architecture and capabilities. The concept of Logical Channel Subsystems is added,
and the maximum number of Processor Units and logical partitions is increased. These
extensions provide the base for much larger zSeries servers.

This IBM® Redbook is intended for IBM systems engineers, consultants, and customers who
need to understand the zSeries 990 features, functions, availability, and services.

This publication is part of a series. For a complete understanding of the z990 scalable server
capabilities, also refer to our companion Redbooks™:



zSeries 990 Technical Introduction, SG24-6863



zSeries Connectivity Handbook, SG24-5444

Note that the information in this book includes features and functions announced on
April 7, 2004, and that certain functionality is not available until hardware Driver Level 55 is
installed on the z990 server.

The team that wrote this redbook

This redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the
International Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie Center.

Bill White is a Project Leader and Senior Networking Specialist at the International
Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie Center.

Mario Almeida is a Certified Consulting IT Specialist in Brazil. He has 29 years of experience
in IBM Large Systems. His areas of expertise include zSeries and S/390® servers technical
support, large systems design, data center and backup site design and configuration, and
FICON® channels.

Dick Jorna is a Certified Senior Consulting IT Specialist in the Netherlands. He has 35 years
of experience in IBM Large Systems. During this time, he has worked in various roles within
IBM, and currently provides pre-sales technical support for the IBM


zSeries product

portfolio. In addition, he is a zSeries product manager, and is responsible for all zSeries
activities in his country.

Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:

Franck Injey
International Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie Center

Mike Scoba
zSeries Hardware Product Planning, IBM Poughkeepsie

First Edition authors
Franck Injey, Mario Almeida, Parwez Hamid, Brian Hatfield, Dick Jorna