MediSense PCx User Manual
Page 6

Questions? Refer to Page 10-13 For Customer Care Information.
The Precision PCx Point-of-Care System Operator's Manual provides
basic information about the Precision PCx Monitor and contains easy-
to-follow, step-by-step procedures for using it.
The Precision PCx System operates using menu-driven software. The
software consists of two main menus, Test Mode and Menu Mode. Test
Mode is used to perform Patient Tests and Control Tests. Menu Mode
is used to set up the monitor's options. (See page 1-2).
The menu portion of the software is set up like a tree, with various
levels of sub-menus branching out from the main trunk. The menu
diagram on the next page, called the Precision PCx Menu Tree,
illustrates the multiple sub-menu layers. For ease of understanding in
using the monitor, this manual is organized into sections which follow
the menu.
It is recommended that the Introduction and Overview sections of
this manual be read thoroughly prior to using the monitor for testing.
These sections will acquaint users with the Precision PCx Point-of-Care
System’s features and operating controls so it can be used more
Manual Organization