Controller setting – Minolta CN3101e User Manual

Page 96

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7. Settings and Operations for Scan Functions


Controller Setting

E-mail Transmission Setting

Set the mail server (SMTP server) to enable mail transmission.

Setting from PageScope Light
1. Start PageScope Light.
2. Enter the password and log on to the Administrator mode.
3. From the “Network” tab, select “E-mail/Internet FAX” – “Send.”

4. Set the following items.

SMTP Server

: Set the IP address of the SMTP server.

Port Number

: Set the port number of the SMTP server.

(The default value of “25” is generally used.)

SMTP Connection Timeout : Set the communications timeout value with the

SMTP server.

Setting values

: 30 to 300 sec.

Maximum E-mail Size

: Set the maximum size of transmission mail


Setting values

: No Limitation, 100 to 3000 KB (100 increments)

Binary Division

: Set whether to divide mail exceeding the

maximum mail size into two or more mails (in
units of binary).

p.88, ☞p.94

Setting values

: Yes, No
