Appendix k: glossary, Glossary, Appendix – GCC Printers Elite XL User Manual
Page 193

Glossary K-1
AppleTalk: A network communication protocol for connecting computers and
other devices to share information.
AccuGray: A GCC software technology that enables truer halftone reproduc-
tion by counteracting the effects of dot gain and by adjusting the print engine’s
gray level response to a 1 to 1 correspondence.
application (program): A program, such as PageMaker or Microsoft Word,
used to manipulate information.
baud: The speed at which data is transferred (bits/second).
bit: The smallest unit of computer information (a single binary digit).
bitmap: A graphic arrangement of bits that closely resembles a shape.
bitmap font: A font whose characters consist of the arrangement of bits into
shapes. These characters are used as screen fonts, and they tend to be jagged
when printed on a high-resolution printer.
byte: A unit of computer information equal to 8 bits.
Chooser: A desk accessory that allows you to select and use networked devices
such as printers and file servers.
default: A value or setting built in to a system or program. A default can
usually be changed.
desktop: The working environment of the Macintosh Finder that displays
folders, files, and applications as icons.
device: A piece of equipment, such as a hard disk, printer, or scanner, used
with a computer.
disk space: The amount of space available on a hard disk or floppy disk.