Grizzly G9953ZX User Manual

Page 37

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Ultimate Series Jointers


Figure 14. X.


Outfeed Table Eccentric Location.

Figure 39. Front eccentric locations.

Figure 40. Straightedge positioning points.

4. Using a 10mm Allen wrench, loosen the cap

screw located in the center of each eccentric

Figure 39).

5. Set the edge of a straightedge across the out-

feed and infeed tables (

Figure 40). The goal

is to eliminate any gaps between the straight-
edge and the surface of the tables.

6. Move the straightedge across the tables to

various positions and make note of which cor-
ners of the infeed table need adjustment,
whether the adjustment should be up or down,
and how much.

7. Using an adjustable wrench, turn the neces-

sary eccentrics until the straightedge sits flush
across the infeed and outfeed tables. Note—
In the unlikely event that the tables cannot be
aligned by adjusting the infeed eccentrics,
there is an eccentric also located on the cor-
ner of the outfeed table closest to the operator
and the cutterhead.

8. Secure the cams and re-attach the front and

back eccentric covers by reversing

steps 1-4.

2. Remove the two hex bolts and flat washers

that secure the back eccentric cover behind
the infeed table. Carefully remove the back
eccentric cover and set it aside.

3. Using a 4mm Allen wrench, loosen the set

screw located on the side of each eccentric

Figure 39).

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