Operation - advanced use, Software, Dispense – Gilson 402 User Manual

Page 73

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Operation - Advanced Use


If for any reason you want to repeat the measure-

ment (e.g. you need to select the LEFT syringe

instead of the RIGHT), put tip of the transfer-

tubing back into the original container, then press

Redo to discharge the liquid.
When you are ready

to dilute the previ-

ously measured

sample, press End.

The command light is

steady and you see

alternately the next

pair of screens.
Press the command

button, diluent is drawn

from the reservoir; the

command light is

steady and you see

alternately the next

pair of screens.
Put the tip of the transfer-tubing back into a suitable

recipient vial then press the command button to

dispense the diluted sample. After which you are

returned to the following screen for the next cycle.

If you want to quit at this point you must press the

STOP key.


This task is used to dispense liquid from the

reservoir or from the probe, in equal or un-

equal fractions, into one or more vessels. You

may adjust the final volumes in the recipient

vessels to a predetermined final volume, with

liquid via the reservoir or the probe. If the

source is the reservoir, you can dispense a

volume greater than the capacity of the left-

hand (or only) syringe, which will complete

this operation with several strokes of the piston.
When you use this task to aspirate

and dispense via the probe, you may

also aspirate an ‘Extra volume’. The

‘Extra volume’ is aspirated to ensure

that the accuracy of the first volume

of liquid is maintained (when it is

dispensed) and that the first fraction

is not contaminated by liquid coming

from the reservoir. The ‘Extra volume’,

which is aspirated with the first


Adjust 1

Fraction 1

Fraction 2

Fraction 3

Adjust 2

Adjust 3




air gap






fraction 2


fraction 3


fraction 4


to waste

Extra Volume