Synchronized resources, Synchronized resources -8 – Finisar Surveyor User Manual

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User’s Guide

Synchronized Resources

Synchronized resources are multiple hardware devices (two THGm) that have been
connected so that they use the same clock timer. Synchronized devices display in
the Resource Browser as a unique resource. For example, if the two THGm modules
in a full-duplex THGs are synchronized, then the Resource Browser shows three
resources available within the THGs; the first THGm, the second THGm, and the
synchronized configuration of both THGm modules together. Synchronized

Portable Sur-
veyor 10/100
Ethernet Analyzer

Portable Surveyor 10/100 Ethernet Analyzer Card is an adapter/analyzer
card for 10/100 Ethernet networks in a notebook PC environment. Portable
Surveyor 10/100 Ethernet Analyzer Card adapters can be used to capture,
transmit, or monitor. When using an Portable Surveyor 10/100 Ethernet Ana-
lyzer Card adapter, all counters are supported. The default mode for Portable
Surveyor 10/100 Ethernet Analyzer Card adapters is Capture + Monitor; the
Capture+Transmit mode is not supported. All Surveyor real-time functions
are available.
The effective rates at which an Portable Surveyor 10/100 Ethernet Analyzer
Card adapter can capture and monitor is limited because these functions are
performed in software rather than hardware. Use Portable Surveyor 10/100
Ethernet Analyzer Card adapters in Monitor only or Capture only mode to
improve performance. Capture rates can approach full-line rate for 10 Mbps
networks if other PC functions are limited.


Surveyor NDIS supports up to four adapters. The first adapter found during
system initialization is seen by Surveyor software as module #1, the second
as module #2, and so on.
Standard Ethernet or Token Ring adapters can be used to capture, transmit,
or monitor, but have severe performance constraints. The effective rate at
which an NDIS module can capture or monitor is limited because it must per-
form these functions in software rather than hardware. An NDIS adapter is
often used in Monitor only mode to improve performance, since NDIS adapt-
ers cannot capture at full line rate. When using an NDIS adapter, check the
Information tab to see information about what counters are supported. Each
manufacturer supports a different set of counters. The default mode for NDIS
adapters is Capture + Monitor.

Multi-port Taps

Taps are fault-tolerant wiring devices that provide connections for analyzer
devices. A Finisar multi-port tap shows as a “resource” to the Surveyor soft-
ware, but is only used to select a LAN segment for monitoring and LAN anal-
ysis functions.


Switches are wiring devices that provide connections for analyzer devices.
The switch shows as a “resource” to the Surveyor software, but is only used
to select a LAN segment for monitoring and LAN analysis functions. 4, 6, or
8-port Datacom Switches for 10/100 or Gigabit Ethernet are supported.

Table 5-3. Hardware Device Capabilities (continued)