Finisar Surveyor User Manual

Page 430

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User’s Guide

Capture Mode

The mode in which Surveyor receives network data and stores it in the Capture


Capture View

A window for viewing and decoding network packets saved to a file or in the cap-

ture buffer.

Captured Frames

Frames stored within Surveyor’s capture buffer.

Century 12-Tap

A fault-tolerant wiring device, available from Finisar, that can be inserted into

twelve, full-duplex or half-duplex, 10 or 100 Mbps Ethernet links. Century 12-Tap

provides the ability to view up to twelve full-duplex segments from a single Sur-

veyor installation.


A counter that shows the best estimate of the total number of collisions (packets

arriving at exactly the same time) on this Ethernet segment. Transmit collisions are

not counted.

CRC/Align Error

A counter that shows the total number of packets received that had a length between

64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but had either a bad FCS with an integral number of

octets (FCS/CRC Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Align-

ment Error).

CRC Errors

Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC) errors.


Destination address. MAC level station address of where a frame is sent.

Deactivated Stream

A defined packet or set of packets defined in a transmit specification but not cur-

rently active. Deactivated streams are NOT loaded to a module for transmission.

Defined Stream

In transmission mode, a sequence of bytes you specify for transmission on the net-

work. Multiple streams can be defined for transmission.

Detail Pane

See Packet Detail Pane.