Finisar Surveyor User Manual
Page 439

Glossary (continued)
Traffic Rate
When transmitting from Surveyor, a percentage of the maximum capacity of the
network to carry packets.
Transmit Mode
One of the modes for using Surveyor. In transmit mode, data streams loaded are
transmitted on the network when the resource is started.
Transmit Specification
A definition of packets to be transmitted on the network by Surveyor.
Tx Attempt Counter
A counter of the number of transmission attempts that have failed.
Tx Defer Counter
A counter that shows the number of times the transmitter had transmit data avail-
able and was ready to transmit but had to defer transmission due to sensing other
Tx Excessive Collision Counter
A counter that shows the number of times packets collided 16 times without suc-
cessful transmission.
Tx Excessive Defer Counter
A counter that shows the number of times the transmitter had to defer for greater
than 3,036 byte times.
Tx Late Collision Counter
A counter that shows the number of collisions that occur greater than 512 bit times
after a transmission has started.
A counter showing the total number of packets received that were shorter than the
64 octets and were otherwise well formed (good FCS).
Any one of many displays of network data provided by Surveyor.
Very Long Event Counter
A counter that shows the number of times the transmitter is active for greater than a
maximum event length. The maximum event length is 4ms to 7ms for 10Mbps net-
work speeds and 0.4 to 0.75ms for 100Mbps network speeds.