Hints and tips for using filters, Hints and tips for using filters -31 – Finisar Surveyor User Manual

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Capture and Display Filters

Hints and Tips for Using Filters


Hints and Tips for Using Filters

Remember to load the Capture filter on the module before you start capture.

If you want to look at captured data in many different ways, use display filters
rather than capture filters. Capture large blocks of unfiltered data and look at
different subsets of the data by using a variety of display filters.

Use the

Template Description

button to find out the exact mask and logical

operations in a filter template.

Use conversations for capturing or displaying station-to-station or router-to-
router activity.

Always attach a description to a filter you are saving with the



To see which capture filter is associated with the current resource, choose

Active TSP and Capture Filter

from the


menu. The capture filter name is

also displayed in the status bar in Detail view.

In the

Filter Design

window, make sure that the templates you want in the filter

are displayed in the

Template Combination

box. If a template is not displayed in


Template Combination

box, it is not part of the filter to be applied.

Be sure to click the

Apply Conversation to Template

check box to include a con-

versation as part of your filter.

AND operations narrow the search results and are typically used between tem-
plates that define masks for different offsets and lengths. Using AND opera-
tions between filter templates that define masks for the same offsets and lengths
will result in a pattern-conflict warning message.

OR operations expand the search results and are useful between filter templates
that define masks for the same offsets and lengths.

To edit a statement in the

Filter States Design

window, double-click on the


Use the right mouse button to learn about the options available for any state-
ment in a filter. You can immediately see what options are possible depending
on what type of statement is selected.

Use the

button to add states or statements to the

Filter States Design

