Excessive arp, Excessive arp -105 – Finisar Surveyor User Manual

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Expert Features

MAC Layer


Excessive ARP


The Excessive ARP counter increments when a change in the number of ARP
requests per second exceeds a threshold. A count of all Excessive ARP events
displays in the


counters of Expert View. A threshold for this counter can

be set in Expert Alarms.

Expert Symptom

Excessive ARP events are automatically logged as expert symptoms. The



field provides information about the rate of change for ARP requests. For


Rate of change of ARP Requests=20

This threshold value for this symptom can be changed. The default threshold is a

delta of 10 ARP requests per second.

Diagnostic Details


Problem Description:

The expert threshold for ARP Broadcasts has been exceeded for this segment,
resulting in an Excessive ARP symptom.


Probable Cause(s):

1. The network is overloaded.
2. Variations in application traffic patterns.
3. Heavy Internet usage.
4. Too many new TCP/IP connections.


Recommended Action(s):

1. Load balance your network.
2. If you see repeated overloads and too many retransmissions, your router or switch may

need upgrading.
Your network may have just come up after a power down;
if so, ignore this problem.

3. If there is a high level of Internet usage, then ignore this message.