Finisar Surveyor User Manual

Page 341

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Configuring Multi-QoS


The configuration performed from the


tab is described below:

Refresh Options (MQoS Window Management)

By default, Multi-QoS tables are refreshed when you re-open any window con-
taining a table. However, there may be instances where you want to compare
data in the same table at different times. For this purpose, Multi-QoS provides
an option to create a new window each time you view the data.

To create new windows, click on the radio button on the right. To refresh table
views when windows are selected, select the radio button on the left. This
option applies to call summary tables, the call detail window showing a single
call, and channel tables.

Set Maximum Number of Completed Calls


Maximum Number of Completed Calls

section allows you to set the maxi-

mum number of completed calls that will be captured. When the number of
completed calls reaches this number, the next completed call causes the earliest
completed call to be deleted from all tables. Setting this value low reduces the
system memory used for call analysis. A higher setting allows you to keep more
call detail records.

The minimum number of calls is 2,000. The default value is 2,000 calls.

Multi-QoS Alarms (Monitor Only)


Multi-QoS Alarms...

alarm button

on the


tab applies to real-

time functions and can only be set in monitor mode. The button brings up the

Current Module Alarms

dialog box for setting or viewing Multi-QoS alarms.

Refer to Chapter 9 on Alarms for complete information on setting Multi-QoS

Alarm Log (Monitor Only)

Press the

Alarm Log

button to view the log of all alarms.

Protocol Type Timeout Value

This timeout value sets the time that Surveyor will spend trying to determine
the protocol type (H.323, SCCP, or SIP) of the call. Surveyor has several algo-
rithms to identify calls that may not conform exactly to one of the specific pro-
tocol types or may have incomplete call information, such as a call started or
stopped outside the window of packets that Surveyor is decoding. If Surveyor
has tried to recognize the protocol for the time specified in this value and not
been able to classify the call, the call is listed in the All Calls table as