Finisar Surveyor User Manual
Page 171

Transmit Specification
Transmit Specifications
options available from the dialog box and click on the
button. You can also add
a capture file as a defined stream using the
Add File…
button. The added stream
appears in the
Defined Streams
list box. Streams are transmitted by the module in
the order in which they are defined.
A defined stream may be activated or deactivated by double-clicking on the stream.
An activated stream has a check mark next to it in the
Defined Streams
list box and
is highlighted with the Windows highlight color; a deactivated stream has no check
mark and displays in the Windows inactive color. Only activated streams are loaded
to the module when you click on the
Load Module
button. Before loading a module,
make sure you have activated the streams you want.
Figure 8-1 on page 8-2 shows a synopsis of all streams defined for the Transmit
Specification. In the example, three streams are defined and only two are activated.
The stream highlighted in the highlight color set for Windows is the currently
selected stream. Streams highlighted in the inactive color set for Windows are
inactive. The settings for the currently selected stream show in the fields of the
dialog box below the
Defined Streams
list box.
If you modify the values in the current stream and click on
, a new stream is
added as the stream after the currently selected stream in the
Defined Streams
box. If you modify the values in the current stream and click on
, the
definition of the current stream is changed.
Radio Buttons and Fields for Defining a Stream
Specify the contents and the size of the stream using the
Packet Type
Packet Size
, and
fields. DA and SA values can be retrieved from the currently
active name table using the
button. Random or sequential address
generation is supported by selecting the appropriate radio buttons and using X
values in the
Sequence numbers (Start Seq# and Stop Seq#) are used to number the
packets; packet numbering may be useful at the receiving end. When viewing
packets at the receiving end, the default location for the two-byte sequence number
is 32H and 33H. This value can be set in the
Seq# Offset
Set the stream mode using the radio buttons and the
check box. The stream
mode defines the rate at which packets are transmitted from a module and whether
bursts of packets with a different rate will be transmitted within the stream.
Set the
Repeat Streams
field to repeat the stream more than one time. This setting
specifies the number of times to repeat one complete stream – not how many times
to repeat transmission of the entire specification, nor the number of bursts within