Configuring counter logging, Configuring alarms, Configuring counter logging -15 – Finisar Surveyor User Manual

Page 75: Configuring alarms -15, History log file settings and default values -15

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Configuring Surveyor

Configuring Alarms


Configuring Counter Logging

Counter log files contain snapshots of Surveyor counter information. All MAC
layer statistics can be recorded in the log file.

To configure counter logging, select

Log File Settings…

from the



To enable counter logging, check the

Enable Logging

field. Set the time interval for

capturing counter information in the

Time Interval

field. Set the number of rows

(line entries) in the log file in the

Log File Maximum Rows

field. For example,


Log File Maximum Rows

to 4,000 and

Time Interval

to 5 will record the

counter information 4,000 times, once every 5 seconds.

Keep the

Keep History Log

box selected to create history files of counter

information. The history file is written when all lines in the log file are full. When a
history file is created, the module log file is erased and new counter information is
recorded starting with the first line of the file. History files are named by date and
time. The format for the name of history files is:

mm(month) dd(day) hh(hour) mm(minute) ss(second)

The minimum time between creation of unique history files is one second. If you
disable the creation of history files and the log file for the module is full, a new log
entry causes the module log file to be erased. No history of counters is saved.

The default settings are shown in Table 4-9 below:

Configuring Alarms

Alarms can be configured to generate events such as e-mail messages, pages, or
logging messages to a log file. E-mail recipients, pager recipients, and log file
names are global parameters that you set. All alarms are automatically sent to one
set of e-mail addresses and one log file.

The alarm E-mail feature works only with Microsoft Mail Exchange.

Table 4-9. History Log File Settings and Default Values

Log Setting

Default Value

Enable Logging

Not selected

Time Interval

5 seconds

Log File Maximum Rows


Keep History Log
