Finisar Surveyor User Manual
Page 432

User’s Guide
Expert View
Surveyor data view showing expert symptoms and expert counters for a time period.
A counter showing the total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets
and had either an FCS/CRC error or an Alignment Error.
Fast Ethernet
EEE 802.3 compliant MII (Media Independent Interface) network. Capable of
speeds up to 100 Mbps.
Sequence of contiguous bits bracketed by and including beginning and ending flag
sequences. A recognizable sequence of bits within a data stream.
Frame Copy
A counter that records when a reporting Ring Station copies a frame containing the
Ring Station’s own (duplicate) address.
Frame Rate
The speed at which frames are received/transmitted on the network.
A counter that records events where the reporting Ring Station attempts to receive a
frame containing an improper ring-clock frequency.
Frozen Window
Condition where the TCP/IP window size remains the same for all packets over a
time period.
Good Frames
Frames that pass all alignment and CRC checks are counted as good frames.
In the Filter window, “GoTo” shows jumps to levels within the capture filter.
Selecting a level other than the current level in the action portion of a statement dia-
log box creates a GoTo phrase in the Filter window. The object of the GoTo phrase
is always a state in the filter.
Hex Pane
Portion of the Capture View window that displays the hex values of a packet stored
in a capture file or capture buffer.