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d) During phase switching, the spindle motor starts rotating in low speed, and generates a
counter electromotive force. The SVC detects this counter electromotive force and reports
to the MPU using a PHASE signal for speed detection.
e) The MPU is waiting for a PHASE signal. When no phase signal is sent for a specific
period, the MPU resets the SVC and starts from the beginning. When a PHASE signal is
sent, the SVC enters the acceleration mode.
Acceleration mode
In this mode, the MPU stops to send the phase switching signal to the SVC. The SVC starts a
phase switching by itself based on the counter electromotive force. Then, rotation of the
spindle motor accelerates. The MPU calculates a rotational speed of the spindle motor based
on the PHASE signal from the SVC, and accelerates till the rotational speed reaches 5,400
rpm. When the rotational speed reaches 5,400 rpm, the SVC enters the stable rotation mode.
Stable rotation mode
The MPU calculates a time for one revolution of the spindle motor based on the PHASE signal
from the SVC. The MPU takes a difference between the current time and a time for one
revolution at 5,400 rpm that the MPU already recognized. Then, the MPU keeps the rotational
speed to 5,400 rpm by charging or discharging the charge pump for the different time. For
example, when the actual rotational speed is 5,600 rpm, the time for one revolution is 10.714
ms. And, the time for one revolution at 5,400 rpm is 11.111 ms. Therefore, the MPU
discharges the charge pump for 0.397 ms
k (k: constant value). This makes the flowed
current into the motor lower and the rotational speed down. When the actual rotational speed
is later than 5,400 rpm, the MPU charges the pump the other way. This control
(charging/discharging) is performed every 1/6 revolution.