Page 5

Conventions for Alert Messages
This manual uses the following conventions to show the alert messages. An alert message consists of
an alert signal and alert statements. The alert signal consists of an alert symbol and a signal word or
just a signal word.
The following are the alert signals and their meanings:
This indicates a hazarous situation likely to result in serious personal
injury if the user does not perform the procedure correctly.
This indicates a hazarous situation could result in personal injury if the
user does not perform the porocedure correctly.
This indicates a hazarous situation could result in minor or moderate
personal injury if the user does not perform the procedure correctly.
This alert signal also indicates that damages to the product or other
property, may occur if the user does not perform the procedure
This indicates information that could help the user use the product more
In the text, the alert signal is centered, followed below by the indented message. A wider line space
precedes and follows the alert message to show where the alert message begins and ends. The
following is an example:
HA (host adapter) consists of address decoder, driver, and receiver.
ATA is an abbreviation of "AT attachment". The disk drive is
conformed to the ATA-4 interface
The main alert messages in the text are also listed in the “Important Alert Items.”