Autotest and central setup, Introduction, Chapter 2 – Fluke Series II User Manual

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Chapter 2

Autotest and Central Setup


AutoTest and Central Setup are two critical elements of
using your Network Assistant. To run AutoTest, press
(AutoTest) on the top-level display. The Network
Assistant will take one of several courses of action.


If a link pulse is detected, it searches for devices on
the network. The devices on your segment are
shown by protocol on the AutoTest display. The map
view shows a summary of device types, including the
Network Assistant

itself and the hub

, which

shows hub capability (Figure 2-1).


If it detects a wire mapper (office locator), it will map
the cable.


If it detects the Fiber Optic Module (FOM), it will
report the results.


If it detects an open cable, it will perform Time
Domain Reflectometry (TDR) on the cable to
determine cable length, characteristic impedance,
and other parameters.


If no link pulse is detected but it detects termination,
no data will be found and you will see the message,

No cable tests when plugged into an active


This could happen if it is plugged into a hub

or NIC that is not turned on.

If link is detected, you can get the same information via
AutoTest or Network Health from the main menu. You
can then use the tabs to navigate between the different
views. The difference between AutoTest and Network
Health is that AutoTest restarts the discovery process
from the beginning, including DHCP addresses (if
enabled). Network Health allows you to view the
information without a discovery restart. Pressing AutoTest
is the same as unplugging the network cable and then