FastRawViewer Software 2.0 (Download) User Manual

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– user manual

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Copyright © 2014-2016, LibRaw LLC,

Do not recall network/removable media – forbids the automatic display of files/folders from
network volumes and removable media.

Reset folder tree filtering on start – will clear folder filtering on program start.

File Browsing group

Warn on broken RAWs – turns on the warning if a damaged RAW file is encountered.

Remember last opened file in folder – turns on the setting to memorize the last opened file
in the folder. A small .fastrawviewer.ini file is created in the folder; this file contains the name
of the last opened file. It is safe to delete this file.

File sort order – sets the order of file selection when browsing through the files:


Filename, alphabetical – by filename, in alphabetical order, without accounting for
letter case, accounting the current localization settings (like with previous




Filename, reversed – the order is opposite to the previous.


Modification time, newest to oldest – sorts the files by date of creation/last
modification of the files, new files in the top of the list.


Modification time, oldest to newest – the order is opposite to the previous.


File type (extension) – files are sorted by extension; files with the same extension are
sorted alphabetically.


EXIF Timestamp newest to oldest/oldest to newest – sorting by date/time of shoot.
When sorting by time of modification of the file or by EXIF timestamps, files that have
the same modification time (usually, time is kept to an accuracy of within a second)
are sorted alphabetically when sorting oldest to newest, and reverse alphabetically
when sorting newest to oldest.

Additional RAW extensions – additional extensions for the RAW files



process (appended to the built-in extension list).

Ignore extensions when file browsing – this setting allows the user to supply a list of file
extensions. Files having the extensions listed here:

- will be ignored during file browsing;

- not displayed in the "Open file" dialogue window.

Open folder dialog starts at – sets the folder at which the “Open Folder” dialog starts:


Current folder – Current folder.


One level up – One level up.


Specified folder – the folder specified by the user, always the same (until a different
folder is specified here)