Working with removable media (flash cards, etc.), Automatic recognition of inserted media – FastRawViewer Software 2.0 (Download) User Manual

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(x) – turns off the filtration, and displays the entire folder tree again.

[↑] –moves the "root" of the filtration one level up.

Furthermore, the folder filtration will cease when opening a file or a folder outside of the current
tree branch (for example, when opening something through File-Open or by Drag-and-Dropping
something into the program window).

With default settings, folder filtration is not re-applied when re-launching the program. This can be
changed by turning off File Handling – Startup – Reset folder tree filtering on start.

Working with Removable Media (Flash Cards, etc.)

Automatic Recognition of Inserted Media

Under default settings,


recognizes the removable media (memory card, USB flash

drive), and, having recognized it, shows the following dialog:

“Removable Media insertion detected,


will open the newest folder found on it under

the DCIM folder”.

The action resulting from detecting removable media can be changed in Preferences – Removable
to one of the following variants:

Do nothing (Do nothing);

Open predetermined folder (by default, \DCIM);

Opens the most recent (by date of modification) folder in the predetermined folder.

You can also turn off the above-shown warning in the same Preferences section.