Operations with multiple files – FastRawViewer Software 2.0 (Download) User Manual

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– user manual

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Copyright © 2014-2016, LibRaw LLC,

After the Apply button is pressed, the Thumbnails and Grid View will keep displaying only those
images that pass the filtration criteria.

When the filtration is on, the funnel icon is displayed brighter.

When filtration is activated in the current folder for the first time, the program will read all of the
XMP files in the folder and store their ratings and labels. If for the files in the current folder the
ratings and/or labels are changed with an external program, while the folder is opened in
FastRawViewer, to re-read the XMP files you can use the “gear” button for the Filmstrip/Grid View,
selecting Refresh thumbnails/ratings.

With standard settings the labels and ratings are read only from sidecar XMP files. However, in
certain cases the XMP data can be embedded right into the RAW files. To use those embedded XMP
blocks for file filtration, you need to switch on the setting in Preferences – XMP – Read
ratings/labels from XMP blocks embedded into RAW files
. This is described in more detail in the
“Embedded XMP blocks” section, in the “Ratings and Labels” chapter.

Operations with Multiple Files

To mark a file for group operations in Grid View (or in the Filmstrip), you can do one of the following:

Ctrl-Click on the file preview thumbnail.

Set a checkmark in a checkbox in the upper-right corner of the preview thumbnail (the
checkbox appears for the files that are currently unmarked when you hover a mouse over its
preview; the checkbox is permanently visible for those files which are already marked).

Shift-Click in Grid View/Filmstrip selects a consecutive group of images:


the images selected start from the last one whose selection status was changed (using
Ctrl-Click or the keyboard), and go up to the one that was Shift-Click'ed


if there is no image whose selection status was changed (like it is in the cases when
the file was moved, or a new working folder was selected), the Shift-Click operation