ProSoft Technology ProSoft i-View User Manual
Page 31

ProSoft i-View ♦ Mobile Process Monitoring and Control Application
Data Source Files
Version 2.0.2
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 31 of 106
September 29, 2011
It is the default style for writable booleans. It
displays a boolean variable using a “Switch”
control. The variable will change its state on
each touch. Will be ignored if the variable is
not writable.
Displays an alternative to the “switch” style
for writable booleans.
Presents a Push Button for writing of boolean
values. Contrary to the “switch” style, the
related process variable does not change
permanently but it goes to 1 (true) on button
press and goes to 0 (false) on button release.
Draws a bezel line around a text field for
highlighting writable numeric values. Note
that it is only applicable to writable tags.
Presents the tag as a boolean even if it is not
of type BOOL, limiting the possible values to
0 or 1. It also activates related attributes such
as on_label and off_label and brings the
special meanings of some attributes for bool
Presents a tag as a slider control or a bar
depending on whether it is writable. Min and
Max values are given with the bounds
attribute. Both are identical and can be used
Displays a text from a lookup table instead of
the actual tag value. The tag value is used to
determine which entry in the table is shown.
This attribute will work both on read only tags
and writable tags. On writable tags the
bounds attribute is used to determine which
range on the lookup table will be made
available to the user for selection. See
Lookup Table.
It is like the "lookup" style except that it will
draw a bezel around the displayed lookup
text when used on writable tags.