ProSoft Technology ProSoft i-View User Manual
Page 26
Data Source Files
ProSoft i-View ♦ Mobile Process Monitoring and Control Application
User Manual
Version 2.0.2
Page 26 of 106
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
September 29, 2011
The following attributes are supported.
Text indicating which page the variable belongs to.
Text values must be enclosed in quotation marks. For
example, page:="FIRST PAGE";
Text indicating which section the variable belongs to.
Text values must be enclosed in quotation marks. For
example, section:="SECTION ONE";
Main text in the cell representing a variable. If not
specified, the variable name in column A will be used
Secondary text in the cell representing a variable. If
not specified, a text comprising the variable address
and its type will be displayed instead.
special text
Text attribute allowing for additional ways to represent
the value of a variable.
"switch" - The default style for writable booleans. It
displays a boolean variable using a "switch" control.
The variable will change its state on each touch. Will
be ignored if the variable is not writable.
"segment_switch" - Displays an alternative to the
"switch" style for writable booleans
"button" - Presents a push button for writing of
boolean values. Contrary to the "switch" style, the
related process variable does not change
permanently but goes to 1 (true) on button press and
goes to 0 (false) on button release.
"bezel" - Draws a bezel line around a text field for
highlighting writable numeric values. Note that it is
only applicable to writable tags
"slider" - Presents a writable tag as a slider control.
Min and Max values are given with the Bounds
"bar" - Presents a read-only tag as a bar. Min and
Max values are given with the Bounds attribute.
"lookup" - Displays text from a lookup table instead of
the actual tag value. The tag value is used to
determine which entry in the table is shown. Note that
this attribute will only affect read-only tags.
"alarm" - Tags with this style are not shown in the
main tag table. Instead they are treated as alarm
conditions. They may be combined with the Bounds
attribute. See Alarms (page 39).
Numeric value determining the order in which pages,
sections and tags are displayed. For more
information, see Pages, Sections, Rows and Data
Sources (page 36).
Indicates the minimum access level a user needs in
order to view a variable. By default, access:=9; is set.