ProSoft Technology ProSoft i-View User Manual

Page 19

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ProSoft i-View ♦ Mobile Process Monitoring and Control Application

Data Source Files

Version 2.0.2

User Manual

ProSoft Technology, Inc.

Page 19 of 106

September 29, 2011

The following types are supported.




Value that can adopt one of two states


8-bit signed integer value (-128 ... +127)


16-bit signed integer value (-32768 ... +32767)


16-bit unsigned integer value (0 ... 65535)


4-digit BCD value stored in a 16-bit register using 4 bits per digit (0 ... 9999)


32-bit signed integer value (-2147483648 ... +2147483647)


32-bit unsigned integer value (0 ... 4294967295)


8-digit BCD value stored in two 16-bit registers using 4 bits per digit (0 ...


32-bit floating-point value (IEEE 754) (approx -1e38 ... +1e38)


Same as UINT


Same as UINT


Same as UDINT


Type containing a characters string. Actual representation depends on
protocol, for example Allen Bradley controllers can hold up to 82 character
bytes. Strings on controllers are interpreted by default as per the WINDOWS-
LATIN1 encoding, but other encodings are possible if a Explicitly Encoding or
a UTF-16 file is given. The STRING type should be used with the appropriate
string memory area or string tag type in the controller when available.
On protocols with no explicitly support for strings ProSoft i-View uses a
generic string representation consisting on a leading word (16 bit register)
containing the length of the string followed by a 82 byte long string buffer.
Note that STRING[n] does not indicate a string containing n characters but an
array holding n strings with the default capacity. Particularly do not confuse
with CHAR[n]


Similar to STRING except that it does not insert a leading length word. It can
be used on protocols with no specific support for strings such as Modbus. In
this case 'n' indicates the string buffer length, i.e. the number of character
bytes that should be allocated in the PLC for the string, starting from the
address specified in column C.
Note that CHAR[20] would mean an array of 20 character bytes, however in all
cases it will be treated as a single string with a capacity of 20 bytes.
Keep in mind that if you use a string encoding other that the default, you must
expect the string to hold less than n characters. This is because on some
encodings a single character may require multiple bytes to be represented.


This is a special-purpose type used to create a text entry on a table, which is
referred to by tags having the Lookup style attribute. Rows with the Lookup
data type in column B will not cause any read or write operations to PLCs. For
more information, see Lookup Tables (page 37).

When specifying the tag type, you can optionally define an array size for it as shown above in
italics.When you do so, the related variable will hold an array of values of the relevant type instead
of a single value. See Memory Arrays for more information.
Size definition is obligatory for CHAR types.