ProSoft Technology ProSoft i-View User Manual

Page 23

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ProSoft i-View ♦ Mobile Process Monitoring and Control Application

Data Source Files

Version 2.0.2

User Manual

ProSoft Technology, Inc.

Page 23 of 106

September 29, 2011

Internal Tags
Internal tags are stored and managed inside the ProSoft i-View app. Internal
tags mostly behave as actual PLC tags except that they are not linked to an
actual PLC address. Thus, internal tags do not require an active TCP connection
to display a value. In combination with expressions, internal tags are a powerful
feature that allows for presenting calculated values to the user or holding
intermediate values for subsequent use.

Internal tags support most of the available attributes except the ones specifically
targeted at PLC tags such as the 'scale' attribute.

To specify that a Tag is internal use the word 'INTERNAL' instead of a PLC
address or Symbolic Tag






Indicates that this tag does not have a link to an actual PLC tag.
Instead, it exists only in the app. Internal tags can be used to
store and represent intermediate values, or expression results.

Just as regular PLC tags, internal tags can have Local or Global scope. To
identify an Internal tag to have a Global scope just prefix it with a $ sign.