ProSoft Technology ProSoft i-View User Manual
Page 10

User Interface Elements
ProSoft i-View ♦ Mobile Process Monitoring and Control Application
User Manual
Version 2.0.2
Page 10 of 106
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
September 29, 2011
Tabbed Interface
ProSoft i-View uses the typical iPhone
tabbed interface to organize several aspects of
the application. On each tab, a navigation interface is usually presented. Not all tabs are
available to all user accounts and not all the options in a tab are accessible to all users.
Five tabs are available.
2.1.1 Settings
Available to all users, but with restricted options for non-Administrator users. From this
tab, Administrator users can create accounts, log in to a particular account, set several
user interface behaviors, and specify default communication settings.
Non-Administrator users have all options disabled except the log in feature.
2.1.2 File Server
Only available to the Administrator user. Allows for managing, uploading, and
downloading files into ProSoft i-View through an embedded Web Server.
2.1.3 Files
Only available to the Administrator user. Presents a list of source files containing tag
definitions, and allows for placing a selection of the relevant ones for an application.
2.1.4 Connections
Available to all users, but with restricted options for non-Administrator users. Presents a
series of entries, called connections, that represent actual links to PLCs. Within each
connection, you can check the communication status and set validation codes. Relevant
communication settings and parsing information is presented for source files related to
each connection. You can also switch monitoring ON or OFF from this section.
Non-Administrator users are allowed only to switch monitoring ON or OFF from this tab.
Connections are hidden for these users.
2.1.5 Home
This is the main view and the place where actual tags and tag values are presented. It is
available to all users, but access levels on tags are applied depending on the current
source files configuration, so what each user views may vary. Trend graphs and alarms
are also displayed in this tab.
Variables in ProSoft i-View
Process variables or tag values coming from PLCs are organized in ProSoft i-View as a
list with sections in a way similar to the iPhone Contacts Application. The specific display
may vary depending on variable type, style, and other characteristics.