Add fade in, Add fade out – Yamaha CDR-HD1500 User Manual

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Add Fade In

You can add fade-in at the beginning of a track. The beginning of
the track is played with gradually rising level w'hen hide-iii has
been adcled-

1 - If “Add Fade In” is selected (P.58), the following

screen appears.

Disc that contains the track to add fade-in

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Track to add fade-in

If the edit menu is selected during playback, the unit
automatically selects the item to be edited. In this case, skip to
step 6 since you do not need to select an item.


Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/- on the remote

control) to select the disc that contains the track to
add fade-in.


Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote

control) to confirm the disc.

The number of the track to add fade-in Hashes.

Press CLEAR to cancel the confirmed seleclion.


Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/- on the remote

control) to select the track to add fade-in.


Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote

control) to confirm the track.

The beginning of the track for eight seconds is repeatedly
played with a Ihree second (initial setting) fade-in.

Fade-in length

Playing time of the track


Rotate MULTI JOG knob (+/- on the remote control)

to set the fade-in length.

The lade-iti length can be set in the I to 10 second range by
one second steps.

If you slop rotating the MULTI JOG knob, this unil starts
repeated playback of the beginning of the track with a fade-in
of the length set in above step, with extra portion for further
five seconds.

Press CLEAR to cancel the selling.



The iude-iii is added to the beginning of the selected track for
the selected length.

This unit returns to the editing menu item selection, (if the edit
rnenii is carried on during playback, playback restarts.)


• Fade-in cannot be added to a track that is shorter than 21 seconds.

• The fade-in elTcct becomes ineffective if the following editing is

performed to the track which the fade-in is added to.

- Erasing a certain part of the track (Part Erase).
- Combining the track (Track C-omhine).
- Dividing the track (Track Divide).
- Adjusting the beginning of the track (Track Adjust).

• If 'Track Adjusl" has been performed, the fade-in effect of both

the adjusted track and the previous track becomes ineffective.

Add Fade Out

Yon can add fade-out at the end of a track. The end of the track is
played with gradually lowering the level when fade-out has been

1. If “Add Fade Out” Is selected (P.58), the following

screen appears.

Disc that contains the track to add fade-out

Track to add fade-out

If the edit menu is selected during playback, the unil
aiitomalically selects the Hem to he edited. In this case, skip lo
Step 6 since you do nol need to selecl an item.


Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/- on the remote

control) to select the disc that contains the track to
add fade-out.

3i Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote

control) to confirm the disc.

The number of the trtick to add fade-out Hashes.

Press CLEAR to cancel the confirmed selection.


Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/- on the remote

control) to select the track to add fade-out.

5i Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote

control) to confirm the track.

The ending of the track for eight seconds is repeatedly played
with a three second (initial setting) fade-out.

Fade-out length

Playing time of the track