Album copy – Yamaha CDR-HD1500 User Manual

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Album Copy

Album Rename

You can copy the entire disc, alburn, or bookmark lo a new alburn.

1. If “Album Copy” is selected (P.52), the following

screen appears.

Group to be copied from


Rotate the MULTi JOG knob (press +/- on the remote

controi) to seiect the group to be copied from.

The group to be copied from switches in the order of “disc”
■‘album” -♦ “bookmark”.

3i Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote

control) to confirm the group to be copied from.

The display scrolls to the left to indicate the number of the
group to be copied from and the number of the album to be
copied to. The alburn to be copied on is assigned the smallest
iivitilable number.

Group to be copied from Album to be copied to

Press CLEAR to cancel the confirmed seleclion.



The selected group is copied to a tiew album.

This unit returns to the editing menu item selection.

You can move Ihe album and assign a new nttinber.

1 ■ If “Album Rename” is selected (P.52), the following

screen appears.

Album to be moved

The number of ihe album Ur be moved flashes.

2i Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/- on the remote

control) to select the album to be moved.

3i Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote

control) to confirm the album to be moved.

The display scrolls to the left to ind.icate the number of the
album to be moved and the new album number.

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Album to be moved New album number

Press CLEAR to cancel the confirmed selectkrn.


Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/- on the remote

control) to select the new album number.

5i Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote

control) to confirm the new album number.

Press CLEAR lo cancel Ihe confirmed selection.




The selected album has been moved and assigned a new

This unil returns to the ediling menu item seleclion.


• If die selected new album number is already in use, the albums

foriowing this renumbered album will be automaticaily up-
numbered by one. However, if there is any unused album number,
only the albums up to that number will be up-iiumbered.

• The original number of the album that has been renumbered wall

be available for future use.