Duplicating a cd, Note, Memo – Yamaha CDR-HD1500 User Manual

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New recordings cannot be added to a CD-R or CD-RW disc on
which some tracks have been previously recorded.


The copying conditions are as tbllows:

• C'opy Method: “Digital Move”

• C’opy Level:


• C’opy Speed:

“Best Effort”

Memo :

The OPC (Optimum Power Control) leature may start
aittomatically dependiitg on disc coitditions. In this case, the
message “OPC’ Adjust” appears on the display until the
adjustment is done (about 10 seconds) before the copy process


If a CD to be duplicated has CD TEXT that can be copied. CD
TEXT wdll be autttmatically copied at duplication.

■ Duplicating with high quality sounds (Audio Master Quality Recording)

You can duplicate a CD with high quality sound with the Audio Master Quality Recording feature.

1 ■ Press A.M.Q.R. while the unit is in the duplicate

standby mode (P.45).

The A-M.Q-R- indicator lights up on the display.



Carry out steps 3 and 4 in “DUPLICATING A CD”
(P.45) to duplicate a CD (copy from a CD to the HDD
and copy from the HDD to a new CD-R or CD-RW

1 !

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1 ■.

The copying conditions are as billows:

• C’opy Method:

“Digital Move”

C’opy Level:

C’opy Speed:


Best Effort

When total time of Ihe CD to he duplicaled exceeds
recordable lime on a CD-R disc (6.S minutes for a 74-m.inule
CD-R disc and 68 minules for an 79-minute CD-R disc), the
following message appears on the display. In this case. Audio
Master Quality Recording cannot be used.

When a C’D-R disc other than a 74-miiiule, 79-minule or 4x
wriling compatible CD-R disc is loaded, or a CD-RW disc is
loaded on this unit. Ihe following nressage appears on the
display. Ill this case. Audio Master Quality Recording cannot
be used

■■■i 1 S 1


* Once copying starts, no button operation is efiective until

copying is completed.

When copying has been completed, the operation of

the HDD and the CD automatically stops.