Setting the hdd recording mode – Yamaha CDR-HD1500 User Manual

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■ Setting the HDD recording mode

This unit provides various recording modes. Choose the mode that
suits your needs.

Initial setting: Track Sytichro



Press MODE while this unit is in the HDD recording

standby mode (P.31, 33).

The recording mode can be selected.


Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/-,


or ▼ on the

remote control) to select the HDD recording mode.

Choose one of the modes listed below.

Manual (Manual recording mode)

All the recording operations including starting, slopping and
track marking are performed manually.

Track Synchro (Track-synchronized recording mode)

Starting and stopping are performed manually. Track markers
are automatically placed between the tracks being recorded.

Multi Synchro (Multi-synchronized recording mode)

This mode records the set number of tracks at the same lime as
the soLiree programs are being played. The number of tracks to
be recorded can be set in the range of I to 99 tracks. This mode
is convenient to record a mix of tracks from different sources.

All Synchro (All-synchronized recording mode)

This mode records all of the material from :i single audio
source at the same time as the source programs are being
played. Track markers are automatically placed between the
tracks being recorded.

Auto Period (Auto-period recording mode)

This mode makes recording for the set amount of lime while
placing track markers :it the set lime interval. The length
between trtick markers can be adjusted in the lO seconds to 30
minutes range by lO-second steps. This mode is convenient to
search for material recorded from FM broadcasts.


Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote

control) to confirm the recording mode selected.

If’'Manual”. ’“Track Synchro” or ’“All Synchro" is confirmed,
this unit returns the HDD recording sttindby mode.

If "Multi Synchro” is confirmed, following message appears on
the display. Follow the "When Multi Synchro is selected”
procedure below.

If "Auto Period” is confirmed. Ibllowing message appears on
the display. Follow the "When Auto Period is selected”
procedure belowr

(When Multi Synchro is selected)


Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/-,


or ▼ on the

remote control) to specify the number of tracks.

The number can be set in the I to 99 tracks range.

5a Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote

control) to confirm the number of tracks to be set.

This unit returns to the HDD recording standby mode (P.31, 33).

(When Auto Period is selected)

4a Press KKi//fc>w (press


-< or ► on the

remote control) to switch between hour and minute,

then rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/-,


or ▼ on

the remote control) to adjust the time length between
track markers.

The time length can be set in the lO seconds to 30 minutes
range by 10-seconds steps.

5a Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote

control) to confirm the setting.

The following screen appears on the display.









Press KKi//w> (press

or ► on the

remote control) to switch between hour and minute,

then rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/-,


or ▼ on

the remote control) to adjust the total recording time.

7a Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote

control) to confirm the total recording time.

This unit relurns to the HDD recording standby mode (P.31. 33).


• When recording to the HDD in the auto period recording mode,

the recording will be performed continuously to the next available
disc if the time length betw'een selected track markers exceeds the
group remaining time,

• In the auto period recording mode, a time error can occur iti a

frame unit. Therefore, the time of each track or the group total
time may not match the confirmed time length between selected
track markers or the total recording time.